Grizedale is a Registered Residential location providing accommodation and 24-hour support to residents of all ages and in particular people with physical and sensory impairments, communication difficulties, moderate to severe learning impairments, complex physical and mental health needs, and/or Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
The home boasts beautiful surrounding gardens with easy access for all residents, this is utilised to the full in the summer months. Residents can access all areas of the home and visitors are welcome to spend time with Residents in communal rooms or in the privacy of the Resident’s bedroom should they choose. The physical environment of the home is designed for Residents’ convenience and comfort.
“The registered manager operated an ethos of always striving for excellence and staff found this greatly motivated them. People and relatives said staff excelled at their jobs and always went above and beyond in delivering care. This had led to people having exceptional experiences. People had become integral to the community and were welcomed to local community events.”
Recent CQC Report