Aston House, our children’s home in Walsall has been graded Outstanding by Ofsted, less than nine months after its previous inspection.
Salutem South West shortlisted for national care award
Salutem Care and Education has been shortlisted for the South West employer of the year award for its work in the region, including successfully turning around failing services in the region.
Success for Beaumont College Lancaster students at National Art Competition
Two students from Beaumont College Lancaster, which supports individuals with complex physical needs, have been awarded prizes after being nominated for this year’s Unique Art Awards.
Disneyland dream comes true for Debbie at Roman House as carers go the extra mile
Debbie from Roman House in Basingstoke received a Disneyland trip of a lifetime with the support of her carers.
Salutem staff at Tobias care home in Torquay praised by CQC for turning round care service
Our Tobias staff team have been praised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for receiving a ‘good’ rating after it was graded as ‘requires improvement’ in 2019.
Matthew from Peterborough supported living champions sailing certificate
Matthew, who has Trisomy 18 and is autistic, has achieved his entry level certificate in sailing after eight years’ experience!
Birchwood care home superstar, Elaine, shows artistic skills to decorate our Windsor Support Centre
Elaine from Birchwood care home created a masterpiece and was delighted when it was bought and displayed by our CEO, John Godden.
Ann Holt, social care professional, promoted to newly created strategic role at Salutem
Ann Holt, previously Regional Director with Salutem, has been promoted to Director of Adult Care, responsible for all of our adult residential care homes and day services.
From Tea-Maker to the Top Job: a career in Care sees Salutem appoint an expert Chief Operating Officer
We’ve appointed a highly experienced chief operating officer as we celebrate our fifth birthday as a multi-service care group.
Salutem celebrates five years as a leading care provider
We’re celebrating our fifth anniversary as a leading care provider for people living with complex physical and mental disabilities.
Romanian carers at Azalea House offer support for job-hunting Ukrainian refugees
Andrei and Tiberius from Azalea House in Bedford are sharing their stories to support Ukrainian refugees seeking employment once they arrive in the UK.
April and Autism Awareness Month at Salutem Care and Education
April is often regarded as autism acceptance month, however it’s not as simple as many people may think.