We are thrilled to introduce you to our new children's blog animation series, where we bring heartwarming and inspiring stories to life through the magic of animation. Our goal is to highlight the incredible journeys of young individuals who, despite facing...
Ingfield Manor School hosts official opening of specialist education hub
Ingfield Manor School which supports children with special needs in Billingshurst has officially opened a new specialist hub.
Salutem leading from the front with additional pay for workers
We’re pledging in excess of £1 million to support our employees through the cost of living crisis.
Success for Beaumont College Lancaster students at National Art Competition
Two students from Beaumont College Lancaster, which supports individuals with complex physical needs, have been awarded prizes after being nominated for this year’s Unique Art Awards.
New specialist education hub to open in Billingshurst
We’re opening a new educational provision on the site of Ingfield Manor School for children with neurological motor impairments in West Sussex.
Cardiff carer celebrates Sapphire work anniversary
Angela Gardner who works in our children’s residential home and Craig y Parc School in Cardiff, is celebrating 45 years of dedicated and loyal service.
Salutem celebrates five years as a leading care provider
We’re celebrating our fifth anniversary as a leading care provider for people living with complex physical and mental disabilities.
Beloved children’s author and comedian David Walliams praises a pupil from Ingfield Manor’s World Book Day costume, causing a photo of the young fan to go viral.
Ellis, aged 10, who has cerebral palsy, turns up every World Book Day in an amazing costume, and this year dressed as Jack from Walliams’ 2015 book Grandpa’s Great Escape, converting his wheelchair into a spitfire.