Our day service welcomes adults over the age of 18 who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities, and autism, as well as individuals with visual and hearing impairments or who have profound and multiple complex learning disabilities.
The people who attend the day service are supporting up to 25 adults to enhance their life skills and integration into the community, we offer outdoor and indoor activities and plan many big group days out with the individual’s choices at the centre. These include arts and crafts, cooking sessions, sensory play, pampering sessions, and trips out in the community including visits to Sealife Centre, bowling, parks, restaurants and many more.
One of our many local attractions is Cannon Hill which is 3 3-minute drive away or a nice 15-minute walk from the center It is the most popular park in the city, covering 250 acres consisting of formal, conservation, woodland and sports areas. Nature centre with reptiles and birds to furry favourites like monkeys. You can enjoy a lovely train ride all around the park which shows the beauty of the park.
People who attend the day centre are encouraged to lead active lives in which their individuality, independence, dignity, and respect are maintained. We fully embrace person-centred planning, enabling the person we support to be at the centre of the delivery of our highest quality care and support.
About Blue Cedars
- Blue Cedars has four Bathrooms spread across two floors and eight separate activity spaces on two levels. a rear garden, close to the city centre, with reliable public transportation or a 10-minute walk away.
“The registered manager operated an ethos of always striving for excellence and staff found this greatly motivated them. People and relatives said staff excelled at their jobs and always went above and beyond in delivering care. This had led to people having exceptional experiences. People had become integral to the community and were welcomed to local community events.”
– Recent CQC Report