Henderson & Harvard



Henderson & Harvard is made up of two 4-bedroom bungalows each with shared facilities, meaning that we are wheelchair accessible and ground floor only. The home has an enclosed garden and a sensory shed filled with sounds, colours, and different textures to help support sensory needs. Henderson & Harvard is located approximately 15 minutes away from Colchester City Centre and Maldon Promenade which means there is always something nearby for people to enjoy.

About Henderson & Harvard

  • 24-hour residential home for up to 8 adults, supporting people living with learning disabilities and complex health needs.
  • Our staff team support people to experience inclusivity within the local community, express their individuality and encourage people to live lives to the full.
  • People living at Henderson & Harvard are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities of their interest. These include arts and crafts, movie nights, bouncability and exercise classes. Trips out in the community include visits to leisure centres, parks, restaurants and we all enjoy a good shopping trip.

“The premises were clean and hygienic. There was a cleaning schedule in place with frequent touch point cleaning undertaken. A large, accessible garden was available for people living at the service.”

– CQC Report

Contact us

Kelvedon Road, Tiptree, Essex. CO5 0LJ